About Emily Bloom

Spend some time with a blue-eyed beauty to fulfill your sensual desires with the tempting services of an aspiring escort. I am Emily Bloom an energetic babe who has just stepped into the adult industry. My hair color is brunette that goes well the color of my blue eyes. I am a fresh bud who needs your touch to blossom properly. But at the same time, you will discover unlimited posture knowledge when you connect with me.

Nurturing for a greater experience

I always look for giving the best experience to my clients. My companionship is discreet with the best guidance that helps you to fulfill your sensual desires with the tempting touch of my soft hands. Certainly, you will experience the best moves when you connect with me. You will love the moves that sizzle your senses and make you horny for lovemaking. Call me.


Age: 20
Location: Boston
Height: 5’5″ / Weight: 122lbs
Eyes: Hazel / Hair: Brunnett
Availability: Local & International
Languages: English


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